"Let go of the past
Trust the future
Embrace change
Come out of the cocoon
Unfurl your wings
Dare to get off the ground
Ride the breezes
Savor the flowers
Put on your brightest colors
Let your beauty show."


First Congregational Church Sonoma, in partnership with the Valley of the Moon Garden Club and CA State Parks Vallejo Home, has developed a Monarch/Pollinator Garden under the watchful eye of volunteer Bonnie Brown.  Monarch butterflies face extinction like many butterflies and a host of other pollinators including birds and bees.  As indicator species, they have all suffered from devastating habitat loss, chemical pesticide use, and global warming.  Their decline is a clarion cry for help from Mother Nature and we are listening!  As a Creation Justice Church, our congregation is committed to the care of every living creature and is, therefore, working to heal, defend, restore, and protect God’s planet.  To remediate damage done leading to the dramatic decline of our valued pollinators, the goals of the M/PGarden are to create and maintain a model pollinator garden, educate and encourage others to plant healthy gardens and to establish a Super Highway for pollinators throughout Sonoma Valley.  The garden is a source for learning and delight as children of all ages are taught the life cycle and migration of Monarchs, how to protect them, and how to care for pollinators in general which give us air to breathe, food to eat, and medicines to take, all while adding immeasurable beauty and inspiration to our lives.