The First Congregational Church of Sonoma, United Church of Christ is called to be a welcoming, inclusive community of faith, gathered to worship and to share God’s love.
Our primary mission is to connect with and serve our community and world. Empowered by the spirit of God, we affirm our journey to live out the teachings of Jesus Christ, seeking peace and justice for all.
As a diverse body of believers seeking to live in the light and image of God in Christ, we affirm:
That every person has worth as a special and unique creation made in God’s image.
That in the spirit of love, openness, and inclusiveness we welcome people of every age, economic status, ethnicity, gender, mental and physical ability, nationality, race, religious background and sexual orientation to participate fully in all aspects of our church’s life and ministry.
That as agents of reconciliation and wholeness, we embrace justice and seek to support all who suffer discrimination or who are disenfranchised from the religious community and society at large.
That we will continue our efforts to comprehend and appreciate more fully our different gifts.
Through grace, may our love for God and our neighbors flourish.
The Members of this Church, with all the faith our Christian growth makes possible,
Do Covenant together in the presence of God:
To give ourselves wholeheartedly to God’s service
To worship God through Word and Sacrament
To proclaim to all the world the Gospel of Jesus Christ through deed and word
To be open to the movement of the Spirit in our midst
To affirm our journey together, in our diversity, for justice, peace and healing, throughout all of God’s creation
To grow with one another, building our future out of past memories and present hopes
To attend the services of this church and to share in its work, support, and ministries
To love and support one another
To listen and learn from one another
To forgive and trust one another
To pray for and with one another
To answer God’s call to be the body of Christ.